
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sony Reveals PS3 to PS4 Upgrade Program

TOKYO - Japanese game console giant, Sony, has announced an upgrade program PlayStation 3 ( PS3 ) for PlayStation 4 ( PS4 ). At Gamescom conference, Sony explained that the service allows users to get a cheaper price tag for a game title that appears in the PS4 . Tag of this new low could be obtained if the user buys PS3 games at this time, which will also be rolled in the PS4. For example, PS3 owners buy games Battlefield 4. So, he will get a code which can be redeem ( ransom ) through the PlayStation Store to buy Battlefield 4 PS4 version at launch the new gaming console .To be able to play the game version that has been upgraded , the user must enter a reportedly original disc into the PS3 PS4 whenever they want to play the new game . This game upgrade , users tag worn USD9 , 99 per title game. Specifically for NBA 2K14 , users in the UK are priced £ 11.99 .

Sony also revealed that the game code Watch Dogs and Assassin 's Creed 4 can be redeem on January 31, 2014 . For the game Battlefield 4 on March 28 , while Call of Duty : Ghosts and NBA 2K14 can redeem starting March 31, 2014 . S4 will be available on 15 November 2013 in North America and November 29, 2013 in the UK . The new game console sells for USD399 . Some games that appear on PS4 include Killzone : Shadow Fall , Drive Club and the Knack .
In PS4 comes with 6 Features Sophistication PlayStation 4 ( PS4 ) Latest :1 . The new engineIn the PlayStation 4PS 4 is using x86 processors are typically used in computers and reinforced with 8GB RAM . With a number of these components , PS 4 is said to be able to produce stunning graphics .2 . Social MediaIn addition to presenting the stunning graphics , Sony also inserts the ability to allow users to share . On PS4 controllers are ' share button ' , so when pressing the button , users can send permainannnya footage to his friends . PS4 also integrated with social networks and suggest a number of game titles according to user interests . Not only that , Sony will open the door for users to access their profiles through the PlayStation smartphone , tablet or PC .3 . DualShock4At PS 4 , Sony does not do significant overhaul . Latest controller " DualShock 4 " comes with a touchpad on the center . At the bottom there is a 3.5mm headphone jack port , and LED strip lights to identify the players .4 . ConnectionPlay Station can be said to be a great plan of Sony . Interestingly , users can play PS4 games streaming on handheld console PS Vita . Not quite up there , Sony bought cloud -based gaming service , Gaikai , the dowry USD380 million in July 2012 . This purchase apparently intended to use a number of technologies that can be used Gakai on Sony's latest console . Gakai are focused on offering the cloud gaming service , will provide a number of game titles even contained in the PS 3 to be played in PS 4 .5 . CameraPS4 equipped with cameras that can track 3D object and motion controls similar to Microsoft's Xbox Kinect .6 . Availability of gamesSony has had a number of titles , including ' Kill Zone : Shadow Fall , Driveclub , and The Witness ' . In addition, Sony also said that a number of third-party partners , including 185 different game studios , game titles ready to support  various classes 'top ' for PS 3 's successor. 

Yahoo Acquires ad-Service Bread

SUNNYVALE - Yahoo is starting to relax in shopping startup a few months later , but that does not mean that innovation stops hunting . Recently, Yahoo has just announced that it has acquired startup advertising designer , Bread.

Bread is stratup that allows a person to earn money by designing advertising for products and other promotions . Others will only see this if you click on the advertising links that are shared by designers who are willing to design the ad .

As quoted from Softpedia , Monday ( 10/14/2013 ) , the acquisition is confirmed directly by Yahoo and Bread . Six engineers and product managers from Bread will join and work at Yahoo headquarters in Sunnyvale . " We have acquired Bread , a startup that creates a simple way for social media users to make money from social networking accounts . Teams focus now is providing creative and targeted advertising on social media , PC , or mobile device , " Yahoo confirmed in a written statement .

While the official website of Bread , and the ads that have been distributed in the form of a short link like will be deleted within 30 days .