
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Yahoo Acquires ad-Service Bread

SUNNYVALE - Yahoo is starting to relax in shopping startup a few months later , but that does not mean that innovation stops hunting . Recently, Yahoo has just announced that it has acquired startup advertising designer , Bread.

Bread is stratup that allows a person to earn money by designing advertising for products and other promotions . Others will only see this if you click on the advertising links that are shared by designers who are willing to design the ad .

As quoted from Softpedia , Monday ( 10/14/2013 ) , the acquisition is confirmed directly by Yahoo and Bread . Six engineers and product managers from Bread will join and work at Yahoo headquarters in Sunnyvale . " We have acquired Bread , a startup that creates a simple way for social media users to make money from social networking accounts . Teams focus now is providing creative and targeted advertising on social media , PC , or mobile device , " Yahoo confirmed in a written statement .

While the official website of Bread , and the ads that have been distributed in the form of a short link like will be deleted within 30 days .

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